XAI Today

Machine Learning, Data Mining and Analytics

Be Inclusive, Be Change

Posted at — Jul 12, 2016

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with B-Change.org (a.k.a. Be-Inclusive.org) to clarify and focus strategy and positioning for their mobile app. B-Change strives to help marginalized groups, to feel more connected. Their app was intended to be a relaunch of a community web-site that served the Southeast Asian LGBT and HIV-positive youth community by offering them information about service providers who are more sympathetic to their specific needs. The app helped B-Change to deliver a much more socially connected experience with a renewed focus on user genenarated content but they were struggling with user adoption and traction.

Their goal for engaging with me was to help them better reach their target audience through the app and improve the effectiveness of their platform. I designed and facilitated a couple of personalized, creative brainstorming and innovation sessions in Singapore and Sydney, using Innvation Games by Luke Hohmann. I weaved in ideas from the hooked model of app design by Nir Ayal. Through these sessions, we were able to identify key areas where the app could be improved and developed a roadmap for future updates and improvements.

It was an incredibly rewarding experience, and I’m proud to have been a part of such an important project. The work that Be-Change is doing is incredibly important. It’s inspiring to see organizations like this that are dedicated to making the world a more inclusive and welcoming place.

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